the strip was once described as claustrophobiac and this is completely true if its observation was including everything to the farthest reaches of our world. carson walks an abstract universal path, which is deeply grounded. there are no short-sited views in his world only man made obstacles, which seem more interesting then deterring. his surroundings may be esoteric but his hopes, ambitions, and admiration for life is all embracing. now sock seems to represent our society in his narrow, cynical views, opinionated chatter and certainly in his compulsion to control all surroundings. as harshly put, as that may seem his over the top exaggerated behavior makes us laugh. then there’s the little voice in the back our minds that we tend to ignore but it keeps surfacing time to time, which is knee-high carson’s unseen pilot. sometimes a little allusive and other times an uncontrollable prankster stirring the pot of life. whether he’s carson’s guardian or socks irritator one thing is for sure he brings with him an unpredictable element. will there be a storm or is it the calm before the storm, is only yet to be determined. a little odd, a whole lot of crazy, and add a bunch of human foibles, with an altruistic underlined feel equals carson.